Estimated delivery: 2-3 days
Key Features:
- Thickness: 37.5mm (25mm PIR Insulation 12.5mm Plasterboard)
- Board size: 2400mm x 1200mm
- Coverage: 2.88m2 per board
- Thermal conductivity: 0.022 W/mK
- Application: External walls – internal lining, Pitched roofs – underneath the rafters, Flat roofs – underneath the joists
Celotex PL4000 is a high performance, easy to install polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation board with a paper facing, laminated to a piece of 12.5mm tapered edge plasterboard. Available in thicknesses from 25mm to 65mm (insulation only), it is suitable for use in roof and internal wall lining applications
- Enables thermal insulation and internal finish to be applied in one operation
- Ideal for both new build and renovation projects
- Paper facing
- Achieves a BRE Green Guide A rating
- BBA approved – certificate 16/5357